How To Stop Sweating

Dr Sabba

20th June 2017

We have had some incredibly hot weather in the UK over the past week or so.  Sweating is a natural way our bodies regulate our body temperature however some people suffer from hyperhidrosis which is excessive sweating.  Hyperhidrosis can be a devastating problem to those affected.  I have heard many stories from both men and women who suffer from excessive sweating and how they dread hot weather, avoid wearing certain materials or colours to try to stop the sweat from showing leading to self-consciousness and even anxiety.  Often they have tried numerous antiperspirants both over the counter and on prescription.

One of the ways in which excessive underarm sweat can be treated is through botulinum toxin or Botox®. A number of small injections are administered in the affected area and can significantly reduce sweat production for 6-9 months after treatment.


How does BOTOX® work to improve hyperhidrosis?


Botox© blocks messages to the sweat gland telling it to switch on sweat production.  It takes around two weeks for this to kick in.  Over time the nerve endings to the sweat glands start to grow back again and sweating will start to occur again.  Some people start noticing some mild sweating returning at 4 months, others can obtain 6-9 months of benefit.  Regular treatments, every 6 months produce the best results.


Does it hurt?


The majority of patients tolerate the treatment very well as the armpit is not a particularly sensitive area.  Injecting in a gentle manner is also very important to make the overall experience a good one.


What about aftercare?


As with Botox© elsewhere it is important to avoid any exercise or excessive heat (such as sunbed or sauna use) for 24 hours.  Alcohol should also be avoided for 24 hours.


For queries and further information on treating hyperhidrosis or to book a consultation please call 0203 633 4908, DM @DrSabba on Instagram or email Dr Sabba at