
This may not be an area which immediately springs to mind when you think about age-related changes however over time, just like there are changes in our face and neck, there are visible changes in our earlobes due to the loss of collagen and elastin in our skin.  These changes can manifest in a few different ways such as wrinkles in the earlobes but women more often notice the changes due to the ear-piercing hole changing shape.  What starts off as a small hole in youth can develop into an elongated slit which continues to lengthen over time and this is exacerbated by the wearing of earrings, especially heavy earrings which weigh the earlobes down.  Studs also don’t sit as well and the concern is continued use of heavy earrings could potentially result in a split ear lobe.

Earlobe filler is a simple and safe non-surgical procedure which restores the strength that has been lost due to skin laxity thereby allowing you to continue to enjoy wearing the jewellery you wish to.

How is this achieved?

Small amounts of dermal filler are strategically placed to plump up and restore the volume which has been lost which strengthens the earlobes. Any elongation of the ear-piercing hole is also reduced using targeted injections of dermal filler.  This reduces the risk of your earlobe splitting completely.

How long does the treatment take?

The procedure takes around 30 minutes.  Small amounts are injected at a time and the product is then massaged into the ear lobe.

Does it hurt?

Numbing cream is applied onto the area to be treated 15 minutes prior to the procedure making it virtually painless.  The dermal filler also contains an anaesthetic so it is very well tolerated.


When will I see results?

Results are instant.  The filler will continue to integrate into the area that has been injected for a further 4 weeks improving the result further.

How long does the treatment last?

Results last 1-2 years and in some cases even longer although this does vary from patient to patient. The result will gradually fade over time at which point the procedure can be repeated.

What are the side-effects?

It is normal to have some redness, swelling and very occasionally some bruising can occur. Taking arnica supplements or using gel can help to increase healing time.  You should not wear any earrings until the area has fully healed.

Will I need a check-up?

For earlobe filler most patients do not require a follow-up however this is always offered four weeks after the procedure.  Occasionally some patients require more dermal filler and this can be undertaken at a second appointment at a slightly reduced cost.

I have a split earlobe. Will this help?

Unfortunately this procedure will not repair a split earlobe.  This will require a surgical approach.

What is the cost?

Treatment starts from £495