Gummy Smile

This is when the top lip rises excessively above the teeth exposing the gums. People often try to limit their smile in order to minimise the amount of gum on show.  Treating this can significantly increase confidence in those affected.  Usually the cause is due to a hyperactive muscle that elevates the upper lip.  This, often in combination with a thin upper lip can lead to the appearance of a gummy smile. Both wrinkle-relaxing injections and dermal fillers can be used to treat a gummy smile. At the consultation it is important to carefully examine each individuals mouth movements, lips and dentition to formulate the treatment that is right for them.

How is this achieved?

Both wrinkle-relaxing injections and dermal filler can be used to treat a gummy smile.

The wrinkle-relaxing injections are targeted to the muscle which causes the lip to elevate more than desired thereby reducing the amount of gum exposed.  It works by reducing muscle activity which controls the top lip so that the top lip will not ride up as high on smiling. This can be a very quick, simple and effective way of treating this area.

Dermal filler is also a very effective way of blocking the muscle from raising the lip too high with long-lasting results.

Where the problem is related to a thin upper lip, dermal filler can be used. Often the upper lip can disappear when it slides upwards on smiling and adding some subtle lip volume works to counteract this.

How long does the treatment take?

For dermal fillers one hour is allocated to this procedure. Time is spent in the appointment carefully cleaning and disinfecting the skin, for clinical photographs to be taken and to carefully mark the skin. It is very important to never rush a treatment.  Keeping safe and minimising the risk of complications is always the priority.

Treatment with wrinkle-relaxing injections is a quick procedure and does not usually take more than 5-10 minutes. The muscle which elevates the top lip excessively is injected on either side so there are just 2 injections in total.

Does it hurt?

Numbing cream is applied for 15 minutes prior to the procedure and the filler itself also contains a local anaesthetic making this a very well tolerated treatment.

Wrinkle-relaxing injections may sting a little but any discomfort is very short-lived as the treatment is quick and well tolerated.

When will I see results?

Results are instant with dermal filler.  It is important to note that there can be swelling and in some cases, this can take a week or two to settle completely.

With wrinkle-relaxing injections, most patients start to see results by Day 5 and it takes two weeks for the final results to appear.

How long does the treatment last?

With dermal fillers results usually last 1-2 years. Over time the filler gradually breaks down and the result fades.  At this point the treatment can be repeated.

The results with wrinkle-relaxing injections last on average 3-4 months. In some patients it could be sooner and in others longer. Treatment can then be repeated.

What are the side-effects?

Swelling is the most common which is usually short-lived but in some can take 1-2 weeks to settle.  There is also a risk of bruising. Arnica tablets or gel can speed up the healing time.  When working with dermal fillers there are also some very rare complications such as vascular occlusion and this is something which is discussed in detail at your consultation.

Wrinkle-relaxing injections carry few side-effects.  There is some short-lived redness and also a risk of bruising although this is minimal.

Will I need a check-up?

Aftercare is very important to Dr Sabba so a four-week follow-up is arranged for all patients who have had a dermal filler procedure in order to review the final result.

For wrinkle-relaxation procedures, a follow-up appointment is always organised for patients two to three weeks after the initial treatment.  This is especially important for new patients where some adjustment may be needed in order to achieve the best result possible.  Some patients however may not feel the need to return or opt for a video-consultation and this is discussed on a case by case basis.

What is the cost?

Treatment with dermal filler starts from £450

Wrinkle-relaxing injections start from £280